Thursday, 3 November 2011

Day 5 - 12.55pm

Still unsure how to handle the Sebastian situation. Jemima has been outside and says she can see Sebastian digging a large hole. He is also wearing a faux fur hat that resembles roadkill. *worried face*
All agree it's no good thinking on an empty stomach so decide we should go for lunch. Today it will be Pressed foie gras with peppered Madeira jelly, smoked duck, peach and almond crumble followed by Roasted fillet of Cornish turbot with coco beans, girolles, morteau sausage, fennel pollen and chicken jus. Wine is a 1942 Château Doisy-Daëne Barsac.


  1. Message from Jean-Paul now in Cannes....

    Regarde Ta Rolex
    L'Heure de la Revolution approche!!!

  2. Oh Oh... Here we go

  3. Just seen Peppered Madeira Jelly half price in Waitrose..Thought you poor, brave protesters should know.
